your request I've looked at my calendar and I'm going to suggest some dates and locations for our reunion! Please pass this message on to your McQ friends and we'll see if we can gather a big crowd. I'd love to see you all!
What about Friday, October 19 or Saturday, October 20?? Do you prefer to meet at 6, 7 or 8? Let me know if all, some, or none of these works for you, ok? Be as flexible as you can! Try to car-pool so we don't interrupt too many families. Since some parents will be driving, if any of them want to stay, that's ok with me if it's ok with you.
I thought maybe the Boston Pizza near the old Sportsworld / Silver City might be a good central location since we may have people coming from as far as both north Waterloo and Cambridge. If you have other location suggestions, please suggest away!
Please call or write to others, so we can contact as many of our crowd as possible.
I look forward to planning this and seeing you!!!!!