I hadn't visited this blog in while but when I did this week, I noticed a few comments. Perhaps it's time for a new post and an update on how everyone's doing!! What's going on at school, what are you involved with right now, what are the highlights in Gr. 9 or 10 life?? I really hope you're all doing well! Hope to hear from you......
(b.t.w. The picture is one from the reunion back in October.......I'll bet you all think you look a lot older now, right??)
I'll start.....
Things are busy as always here at McQuarrie. There are just over 2 weeks left in first semester, so this year's Grade 8s feel much like you did at this time last year - quite sad that their days at McQuarrie are almost over! I'll be sure to tatoo them all before they leave here so you'll be able to pick them out of a crowd next year when you run into them in the halls of your various schools! As we all know.....there's a bit of a 'kindred spirit' thing about mcq grads and it's nice to make that connection. In the tech world, we have an interactive whiteboard here this year (any of you using these??), and a new set of Canon cameras!! We've had some fun using them in Photoshop, etc. We are using class WIKIS this year for collaborative projects - always lots of new things going on! Including new Grade 7s about to start - I believe I have another Jefferies coming - YIKES!! Anyhow....thats all for now.....looking forward to hearing from you:)
i went to victoria over the christmas holidays. things at wci are going well, and mid-terms exams are coming at the end of january.
This year so far has been one of the busiest of my life!
I got inducted into Senior Band a year early because they needed me badly. It's insane compared to Intermediate band and I am enjoying it thoroughly.
I am still in Intermediate, though. There are about 4 grade 9 percussionists who desperately need my help (some more than others). I thus spend my time in more of a 'teaching' role by helping them organize, teach them technique, and discipline them. If I didn't already, that makes me appreciate the position of the teacher!
In April, CHCI is putting on an adaptation of the Gershwein musical, Crazy for You. I am unfortunately not acting because I was needed in the pit band (desperately... we have the official original copies of the music, which is obviosuly pro level)! It's a blast! We have done a lot of cuts because our leads are reluctant to tap dance (and it's a tap musical- go figure). Hopefully, with the budget we have, there's a tap instructor included, so there will be some.
In the fall I went to the Ontario Student Leadership Conference in London, along with some SAC reps and two other leaders in the music department (needless to say, myself alone comprised one-third of the student musicians there, and one-quarter of all musicians there). It was a curiosu experience. I netted one t-shirt and some fun times, plus some findraising ideas for the music department, which is more than I thought I'd be getting, which is always nice.
In December I had the great honor of playing in my church's Festival of Music (10th anniversary). It was quite scary, but well worth it: being surrounded by members of the K-W Symphony, WLU, and the various chamber orchestras in the area (thus making me the youngest performer on stage) and only having three practices to learn prop-level music was, needless to say, overwhelming. I fortunately was able to get the act together and had one of the greatest experiences of my life!
My weeks are busy:
Monday: Debate at Lunch, Drum Lessons 7:00-7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: Senior Band 6:50-8:00 a.m., Intermediate Band at Lunch
Wednesday: CCSA at Lunch, Pit Band 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Thursday: Pit Band 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Friday: Senior Band 6:50-8:00 a.m., Reach for the Top at lunch.
All that on top of school! With exams coming up and culminating projects, it's especially stressing (I'll have to cut back on what I do next year).
Oh! Almost forgot! Debate is certain enlightening. Within a formal setting and a time limit, you must argue either in favor or against a proposition (i.e., "This house supports the banning of Tasers"). The club meetings are to prepare you for the debate tourneys, to which you will do 2 debates against other schools (one proposition, one opposition) on the topic, either at a senior or junior level, in tag-teams. It's been a challenge, and, I think worth trying if you like to debate. The formality isn't quite my thing, but that's just me. I know some people that have gone beyond the regionals into provincials and nationals. It's a real intellectual competition, but, I do it just or the enjoyment of it.
Currently in school I have Auto Tech, English, Math, and Science. It's been a pretty work-heavy semester, but I should be able to enjoy my next a bit more readily, as Civics/Careers is a joke, I'm taking Gr. 11 IB English (and I like English), History (and I like History), and Music (and I like Music).
Auto Tech is a highly hands-on, practical course (as it should be). It's a real contrast to the rest of my courses, but I have done well, learned a whole lot, and had a whole lot of fun. I don't particularly want to become a grease monkey, but knowing how to take a part and assemble a two-stroke, disc, and drum brakes, splice wires together, flare a brake line, change the oil, check the fluids, remove a broken bolt, change and balance a tire, and the likes are certainly useful life skills ( I ahve to laugh at doctors and scientists who can handle the human genoem and quantum physics in their sleep, but can change their car's washer fluid). All I need to know now is how to cook, and I'll be set for life!
Well, if you are still awake, that appears be be my life as it stands currently... how about everyone else?
ah, craig.....never at a loss for words.....
I've been pretty crazy too... I'm in Senior Band, Senior Jazz Band, Junior Jazz Band, and a Brass Quartet, among other activities. Now with exams coming up in a week (oh no!), it keeps getting crazier!
One cool thing though is that this year as a music trip we're going to Cleavland, Ohio!
WOW! Thankx 4 putting the picture up Ms. Watt!
I miss everyone soooo much though I'm happy I see some MCQ ppl at CHCI everyday.
Everyone seems so busy! Same here! This year I've found way more info on my religion and its history. these past 10 days hav been a specail time 4 all shi'a muslims...
it's the 1st year I play the clarinet and tomorrow's the last playing exam which is worth 12% of our mark and I'm really scared but i've been practicing alot so i guess i'll be ok:D I want to continue playing the clarinet in 2nd semester...just take it home and stuff-no bands. not ready 4 that yet:D
I'm also studying 4 english exam, science exam, and completeing the phys-ed take-home exam. I'm in creative writing club and can't wait 2 get back 2 it after exams r over. both my exams r over on the 25th.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....i'm sooooo stressssed...
p.s. one of the most challenging projects of the year 4 me was the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
p.p.s I will miss english next semester:(
I know most of your schools are semestered, therefore exams are coming up - I wish all of you great success with your first set of high school exams - study a little, think a lot, go in feeling 'smart' and stay calm ------ and you'll be fine! Anyone NOT in a semestered school, therefore NO exams coming up?? Lucky for you - I think! Do you think one has advantages over the other?
Great to hear from some of you! I knew you'd all be so busy!!!
Hey Guys!!!!
Oh my goodness! the reunion was SOOOO much fun!!! Not too much is new with me, but the exams are starting next week (:S) eek! my only exam is math though, so it'll take a lot of studying but it will be worth it when i have the next 4 days off school! :) mhm... well, right now at PHS i'm trying out for the badminton team which is defiantely a lot of fun!! wish me luck! :)
Can't wait to hear from everyone else!!!!
Bye! ♥
i only had 2 exams this semester and both were on Friday so i am freeeeeed!!!!! I studied more than I have ever studied my entire life :D
Hey y'all,
How did your exams go? What are your feeligns on your semester 2 classes?
exams were great:)
semester 2 is not as exciting as semester 1 but it's still cool.
i've math, geography, french, and art.
i miss english, science, and music.
yea-high school life is defanitly crazy, good to see some of you still commenting!
My little sis started MCQ this past week and thus has started me reminising.......
Wow, nobody's commented for over a month!
Well...Hey, it's St. Patrick's day!
Unfortunately hardly anybody at my school noticed! Ah well...
It's my iranian nnew year!
Happy New Year!!!!
Thank you:)
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