Sunday, September 16, 2007


Simon, I'm glad you're still keeping everyone challenged politically! Thank you for bringing up the topic of MMP - I agree that we should all know about it and have an opinion! So.............I created a website - you may have found it already - there is a link on my home page. There, you'll find links to a few sites that give information as well as pros and cons about MMP and the upcoming referendum on Oct. 10. It's pretty good and easy enough to understand. We know what one person thinks........what about the rest of you??
ps I saw Craig last night at a concert.......if anyone sees him at school.......tell him we'd like his comments here too!
pps How 'bout a reunion after Thanksgiving (and the election!)??
i miss you all............


Anonymous said...

I believe that it is wrong to put the balance of power in the hands of the minority parties. Because that means that there views can almost more say thasn the parties with more seats. MMP will mean more backroom politics. ALso what about all the tax money to pay for the more MPP's and there staff

Anonymous said...

interesting opinion....
i don't beleive it is wrong though...but it is weird that their views can say more than the parties with more seats...

Anonymous said...

Horray for MCQ alumni!
I did see craig and kayla today at school and I told them to cheack it out!
more later!

Anonymous said...

i can definitely see what general s is saying. but there should be a more diverse representation in the house. but really that is up for the voters to decide. if the smaller parties do not get voted in, then it would appear that they did not do enough to convince the public that they were a good choice for election.

Anonymous said...

I see what you are saying purple monkey. But MMP Is actually taking the power away from the people. Because the party gets to choose the members for the 40 other seats
I am just wondering, what is wrong with what we have (First past the post)

Anonymous said...

I am very anxious to see the results of this referendum

Ms Watt said...

Have you watched the YOUTUBE video on the proMMP link?
I like the quote on that page....
"Under our antiquated first-past-the-post (FPTP) system, a party can win 40% of the votes, but capture 60% of the seats and 100% of the power. That’s why most major democracies scrapped FPTP last century."

Ms Watt said...

BTW...good to hear from all of you!
Are you talking about this in any of your classes at school? Are you finding high school intellectually stimulating??????????

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhh the discussions that we hav in highschool....sooooooooooooo aweosme...the thing i wuz lookong 4! they actually make u use ur brain! i luuuuuuuuuuuuv my english class!
i'm not liking the idea of mmp's either really...if they take power away from the people.

Anonymous said...

ms. watt but is MMP really democratic if you are giving even more power to the political parties. If they can choose there list members then how is that democracy.

Anonymous said...

Technically MS. Watt the same thing could happen in MMP, but would be much rarer.

Ms Watt said...

To me, the thing that has always seemed unfair about our present system is that in a given election, a party could earn a high percentage of the 'popular vote' but potentially could win no seats in the house. This situation is corrected to some degree in the MMP system with the list seats. I think that's really important. I think there will also have to be some checks and balances in terms of who gets to be each party's list members, but I hope that can be worked out. Getting the MMP in place is a good first step I think.

Anonymous said...

Another problem that has been brought up by Howard Hampton is that although MMP has more members but it has less ridings in the north of Ontario. THat makes a bigger area to cover than there already is. I think that the North is already neglected why should we neglect it more. I know that has nothing to do with the system of MMP but has more to do with the proposal,

Anonymous said...

this is off topic, but if any of you who are at the IB highschool (no names, yay me) meet a guy named demi
say hi from jen.

Anonymous said...

i see demi alot and he looks like he's doing fine.
how r u drama_star?
i miss out old school very much but highschool had more opprotunities.
and i'll say hi to dmei.
he didn't join the vocal music group thingy!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

as far as i know anyways:)

Ms Watt said...

I love vocal group thingys! I'm glad to hear you're singing sapphire. I hope you'll invite me to concerts! Drama star - have you joined things at your school????? I hope so. I saw your teacher in the summer and told her all about you. All good things of course.

Anonymous said...

Yea-cameron choir looks like it has some good potential. and the ultimate frisbee team is pretty awesome too.....and don't worry jen-demi is doing fine!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving high school...and I've joined a lot of stuff to completely fill my schedule. I'm in "Music Man" which is a musical my high school is putting on, I'm also in the select female chorus and the huge school choir that anyone can join.

also, ms watt, which teacher did you see?

and thanks for the demi updates everyone =P

Anonymous said...

Horray for the music man!!!
" Goodnight, my someone....."

Ms Watt said...

Mrs. Kidd....I've known her since university! When is the Music Man?? I'd like to come and see it!

Anonymous said...

its running from novemeber 28th and then over that weekend. its from a wednesday to a sunday i think. i'll let you know when i have more info.

Anonymous said...

when should we have the reunion?

Anonymous said...

Naive purple monkey is right. we should figure out a date for the reunion