Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reunion!! your request I've looked at my calendar and I'm going to suggest some dates and locations for our reunion! Please pass this message on to your McQ friends and we'll see if we can gather a big crowd. I'd love to see you all!

What about Friday, October 19 or Saturday, October 20?? Do you prefer to meet at 6, 7 or 8? Let me know if all, some, or none of these works for you, ok? Be as flexible as you can! Try to car-pool so we don't interrupt too many families. Since some parents will be driving, if any of them want to stay, that's ok with me if it's ok with you.

I thought maybe the Boston Pizza near the old Sportsworld / Silver City might be a good central location since we may have people coming from as far as both north Waterloo and Cambridge. If you have other location suggestions, please suggest away!

Please call or write to others, so we can contact as many of our crowd as possible.

I look forward to planning this and seeing you!!!!!


Anonymous said...

both work for me, any time although saturday is better...

Anonymous said...

Reunion is a good idea. Friday works better for me. Which ever place is fine.

Anonymous said...

friday at 8 is best for me, though other times would be alright. can't make anything saturday.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait!!!!!!! i think that friday at 6 would be great for me!
can't wait!!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

if that isn't possible i can still make my schedule more flexible!

Anonymous said...

nevermind-saturday doesn't work-friday's great! whatever time,

Ms Watt said...

Sounds like Friday so far. Let's say Friday at 7 at Boston Pizza on Highway 8. I'll come early and stay late, so no matter when you come there'll be a McQuarrie table! I'll confirm this later in the week and in the meantime, could you all phone, MSN, text, speak to in the hallway, Facebook, or use whatever communication means suits to contact as many of last year's group as possible and tell them about this? Let me know who you talk to and either you or they should confirm their attendance here on the blog. Thanks so much for doing this - the more the merrier right??
Can hardly wait to see you all......

Anonymous said...

friday is good for me...sat. im going to stratford.

Anonymous said...

is it alright if i arrive a bit late? 7:15-7:30-ish?

Ms Watt said...

No such thing as late....I'll be there from about 6:30 til the last person leaves!! Come when you can....stay as long as you can.

Anonymous said...

about how many people are we expecting to come?

Ms Watt said...

It looks to me like 7 so far. That's a good start, however, it's up to YOU to please call your friends and get them there on Friday. How 'bout everybody try to contact at least 2 others?? Keep me posted....I'm going to reserve a table for 20 if they'll let me.
Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I can most likely make it-is there anyone who lives in waterloo who could carpool a bit with me? I live in Elmira, so it would be nice not to have to drive the whole way....

Anonymous said...

and are we inviting those MCQ students who are currently in grade 10?

Anonymous said...

m&m i liv in waterloo! i can talk 2 u about carpulling tomorrow at school, at the cafeteria. k?
can't wait till friday!

Anonymous said...

i've talked to three people so far, and can talk to one tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I will be there, hopefully

Ms Watt said...

Yes, please invite Kayla and Craig! I assume that's the gr 10s you meant! If there are others, them too! I am driving from Kitchener and would be happy to do pickups if anyone is stuck. Call me or email me and we'll arrange it. Cameron HTS people - have you asked everyone?? Simon - do your best to come! Again, I'll remind you that if your 'driver' wants to stay that's ok. Or there is a Chapters (and other shopping) close by if they want to shop while you visit with us. Do your best!! see you in 4 days!

Anonymous said...

I can ask Kayla tomorrow, since I see her everyday. I'll have to negotiate with my parents about how I'm going to get there. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to go.
Fatemah said that she cannot make it.

Anonymous said...

Friday's fine with me too...I can't wait to see everybody again!

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to see everyone!
friday at 7 works for me :D
ill be sure to spread the word!!


Anonymous said...

i can come too!and im bringing other phs people

Anonymous said...

wait, is it at 6 or 7?

Anonymous said...

What's the best time that I should come at?
Fatemah has confermed with me that she is not going to come.
Craig said he might, and surely like to.

Kayla Krische said...

Hey everybody, I just found out about the reunion a couple days ago and didn't get time to come on until now (What can I say, Cameron keeps me busy!) I hope I can make it, I can't wait to see you all? Does anyone know who all is coming? P.S. Thanks for inviting me even though I wasn't there last year!

Ms Watt said...

I just called Boston Pizza (on Gateway Drive - Hwy. 8)and they are looking forward to having us there! I will be arriving around 6 and putting us on their 'wait' list. The manager said that we'd likely get a table around 6:30. I said there would be about 15 - 20 of us - he was agreeable to being flexible about the number. I'm staying til the last one of you leaves, so please feel free to come at any time between 6 and 9ish. My number is 894-0326 if you need to talk to me before then. Looks like a great crowd - thanks to all of you who have called someone else in the group - I'm going to send an email right now as a further reminder. I don't have my email list for the Wed. class at home - if any of you have it, please send something off to them. I'll do it at school tomorrow but that's pretty short notice. Do the best you can.....

Anonymous said...

too bad, i have a hockey practice, otherwise id go. see everybody around.

Ms Watt said...

can you come after???

Anonymous said...

as q squared already clarified, i can't come. i feel very sorry-most of all for myself. But friday just doesn't doesn't work. I thought it did...but it doesn't.
I hope you all have fun and I hope to see evryone soem other time!

Anonymous said...

I had to pull a LOT of strings, but i'm able to come, whoot whoot!

Anonymous said...

Just to clarify, will we be eating dinner there?

Ms Watt said...

I'm eating! Yes, you can eat or just talk!! Your choice!

Anonymous said...

We are so EXCITED for tonight, and can't wait to see you all there!!!!!


see you tonight!

Anonymous said...

GAH NO! Missed it!
I didn't read my email until today. Which is sad, because I really would have liked to come.
Although now that I think about it, I wouldn't have been able to come anyways ... I gotta keep up with this blog!


Anonymous said...

katie! which highschool do u go 2?
hope u had fun last night ppl!:)

Anonymous said...

Ack! I was supposed to go too, then the most annoying thing happened: Parents both said they were tired and did not want to drive me there. Which sucked, because normally I'm busy on Fridays, but that evening perchance I wasn't!! Please, do divuldge into what occured! I wished that all those in attendance did enjoy themselves so!

Ms Watt said...

We had a GREAT evening! Pictures and commentary coming soon in the next post! (hopefully tomorrow!)

Anonymous said...

Where is everybody?

Anonymous said...

don't know

Anonymous said...

don't know

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda here!(wherever here is...)
who knew high school life could be so CRAZY!!

Anonymous said...

hey everybody:)

Anonymous said...


Who knew? I did! :) :) :) But that's mostly because I have 1 year advanced over you. But hey, high school can certainly be some of the best years of your life. Get the most you can out of it. Don't over-tax yourself in extracurricular stuff; there's no way you can give 100% to each of seven different things- there's quite a difference between involvement and commitment. One exists without the other, but one cannot occurs unless the other does. Find maybe 2-3 you love most and pursue them. There's so much opportunity and you don't want that to pass you by. It'll come and go sooner than you think. If possible, stay for a victory lap. You'd be suprised about the benefits of that!

P.S. I suppose I'm supposed to meet you at lunch. Where?

Anonymous said...

who are you supposed to meet?

Anonymous said...

Um... that was for Monday the 19th. So what I asked already occurred!

Ms Watt said...

Thanks for the visits to McQuarrie! I have a few students whose interest in Cameron Heights was heightened as a result of your visits! A few are planning on attending the Open House next week. Thanks for coming here and talking to my classes - it's a good tradition! Cheers to McQuarrie alumni!!
You're the best!
ps Christmas post is coming soon!

Anonymous said...

i was part of the audience during the transition concert at cameron toinght! i luvd it! cameron is filled with opportunity!

Anonymous said...

What did you think of the band at the opening? The "Sophomore Band Geeks"? That was me on Drums with soem of my homies. We had so much fun doing improv (too bad you couldn't hear Eddie's flute solo for Smoke on the Water)!

Anonymous said...

i arrived at 10 t0 7 and all i can remember is a lot of cool music being played and lots of cheering. i was impressed though:)

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid that I haven't commented in a while... How's it going?!
What does everyone think of the snow? I love it! It gets me into such a festive spirit!

Anonymous said...

snow is great in a sense that it may gets chool cancelled and buy me more time for studying for tests or doing projects!
today, the buses got cancelled. i'm no bus person, but is till got to stay home and now i'm working away like crazy.
i'd rather work at home than go to school where half the class is away and watse time doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

I'm a bus student. I woke up 23 minutes late today, and just as I was about to crash downstairs in an attempt to force some nutritional suppliments down my esophagus amidst my other morning tasks, I learned that the buses were cancelled to-day. I promply went back to bed.

I lovesnow days....

Anonymous said...

lol. me too. in fact i hope tomorrow is also a bus day so i will miss the evil humilliating phys.ed class.....
i really wnat tow rite the science test though for i'm bored of reviewing chemistry ten gazillion bizillion times...

Anonymous said...

Why is Physical Education humiliating? (And who, perchance, is your science teacher)?

Anonymous said...

physical activity sux if u suck at it or r the worst athelete in ur whole entire class.
my science tecaher is ms. Day. she's prettyu nice and but her science tests r kinda hard so i studied VERYYYY much for the one that i took today. i think i did good:D

Anonymous said...

hope u guyz hav an excellent fantabulous astonishingly refreshening Holidaaaaaay!!!!!!
p.s. did u know that the word "excellent" was created by skakespeare???
p.p.s Twelfth Night is funny! looool. :) :D

Anonymous said...

That's because Feste's the coolest. I always got to play his part. BTW, did you watch any Twelth Night moves? The (very good) 18th-century set one, or the (very bad but could have been good) She's the Man? Do any Cameron students hae Mr. Hartman for English?

Next year you do Romeo and Juliet. The coolest characters in that play are Friar Laurence and Captain Escalus Prince (of Verona). (Mind you, those are the characters I play this year... so maybe my opinion is biased).

Anonymous said...

we saw the 19th century movie that was made in 1996; i agree with u on feste-he was very amusing. I ahve ms. Honderich for english and she is fantastic!
romeo and juliet...we read the simplified version last year...i think the lamest characters are romeo and juliet. lol.

Anonymous said...

may benazir bhutto rest in peace...:(

Anonymous said...

Happy belated holidays everybody! I'm really depressed that we have to go to school tomorrow...I've been working all break anyway....
Well, have a good..5 and a half hours until tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I was asleep all day...

Auto Tech: I hade difficulty following instructions.

English: I didn't realize I was being asked questions.

Math: I could think fast enough to solve any mathematic systems.

Science: I was easily amused to colored liquid.

I had a restless holiday!!! :)

Anonymous said...

my holiday was....BUSY. -_-"
i'm happy i'm back at school:D

Anonymous said...

Hey guys... we haven't had a new topic to discuss in a while. Anything in particular on your mind that you think we could discuss here? I'd hate to see this blog die a silent death.

Anonymous said...

Such fond memories. We should definitely explore future options for a second reunion. Visit the last of the possibility of boycotting the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China for more details.
